Safe Space
Security Desk (SSSD)
When alarms, locks and communications fail... The SSSD is the student's FINAL LINE OF DEFENSE!
The only product providing a 450 degree ballistic barrier between the shooter and the student.
Enhancing the Run, Hide or Fight by providing cover and concealment from School Violence.
Providing predesignated cover through the "Extreme Danger Gap" until first responders engage the threat.
Bringing trust back to School Safety.
Student in Danger
When a student is in danger from School Violence, they use their natural instinct to duck into the ballistic shelter.
Ballistic Protection
The student closes the door and stays in the proven ballistic protection of Safe Space Security Desk.
First Responders
First Responders rush to the scene. Students are in their predesignated Safe Space Security Desk. First Responders engage threat.

Children need your help.
Children want protection from School Violence. Growing up in an education system with school violence has led to loss of life, lifetime disorders, lack of education, lower incomes... the list goes on.
We CAN help more children see tomorrow, see graduation, become business leaders, astronauts, parents... Imagine Tomorrow.
Together, we advance school safety and invest in the lives of our children by empowering them with Safe Space Security Desk.
Will you help them?